“Behold the man!” was Pontius Pilate’s short, yet most profound, sermon. Our endeavor this Lententide and Easter Sunday is to behold the man, God in human flesh, Jesus. Each time together, we are meditating on and proclaiming His real, bodily suffering and death as well as His physical resurrection. He knew all that real bodies experience; He suffered, wept, bled, ate, and hoped.

Today, we recall that the man Jesus had to be born and grow in the body of, and under the care of, His mother. But Mary is also His disciple, given to another, John, at the foot of the cross. And in our human relationships, we are all, parents and children, disciples of the man Jesus.

Bulletin 20210317 Midweek of Lent 4 V.pdf


Wednesday (Mar 17th):

6 PM: Teleconference: Dial-in number: (425) 436-6358;    Access code: 367780#
